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作為我們 Rea 診所 Christopher 和 Sesser 診所最先進的牙科綜合體,我們堅信預防保健和教育是最佳牙齒健康的關鍵。我們努力提供“牙科保健”與“疾病保健”。這就是為什麼我們專注於徹底檢查 - 檢查您的牙齒和牙齦的整體健康狀況,進行口腔癌檢查,並在必要時進行 X 光檢查。

As a state-of-the-art dental complex at our Rea clinic Christopher and Sesser sites, we practice with the belief that Preventive Care and Education are the keys to optimal dental health. We strive to provide "dental health care" vs. "disease care". That's why we focus on thorough exams-checking the overall health of your teeth and gums, performing oral cancer exams, and taking x-rays when necessary. 

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